Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Opening of liminal spaces: new century of the city, Friday Feb 11th, during the James St N Art Crawl 7-11 pm
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Art's Birthday at Hamilton Artists Inc. - Impromptu New Music Jam with Members of New Harbours

Celebrate Art's birthday at Hamilton Artists Inc. with an impromptu Jam Session
Hamilton Artists Inc.
Sunday, January 16th
8pm - 11pm
Drinks, pizza and birthday cake to follow the recording.
Audio streaming of the recording will occur with sound artists Ian
Birse and Laura Kavanaugh (Hull, QC)
on January 17th and 18th, at:
Live remix broadcast recorded by New Harbours and participants
EST 22:00—24:00, GMT/UTC January 18 03:00—05:00
and will be featured on CFMU's New Directions hosted by Olga Kirgidis,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011.
Join us to celebrate the birth of Art, and participate in an
experimental music jam/audio streaming project
Art's Birthday is an annual exchange-art event celebrated on January
17th by a loose collection of artists and artist organizations around
the world. This annual event first proposed in 1963 by French artist
Robert Filliou. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no
art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, Art was born.
According to Filliou, it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge
into a bucket of water. Filliou proposed a public holiday to celebrate
the presence of art in our lives.
more info:

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Visiting from Argentina - Artists Gabriela Alonso and Nelda Ramos

Here's the listing for the upcoming exhibition at Hamilton Artists Inc.,
by Gabriela Alonso, Nelda Ramos, and the Zonadearte Gallery Artists, from Quilmes, Argentina
The video compilations from the Zonadearte database include documentation of work presented during the annual Zonadeartenacción Festivals (2005-2008). The compilations contain fragments of performances by participating International artists. The curators chose works that represent a cross section of artistic production at both the local and International level, with the intent of encouraging cultural exchange/dialogue and research/production. The compilations have been divided into works that involve a LIVE performance (where the presence of the performer is integral to the work) gathered under the title "REAL YEARS", which are juxtaposed with works that contain still photography and video art, gathered under the title "VIRTUAL YEARS".
The 1st Zonadeartenacion Festival of live art, photography and urban interventions was founded in 2005. In 2006, we held a second festival thanks to the collaboration of Calixto Saucedo, with Osvaldo Glesso, Joaquin Amat and the Varalenses Artists Association - who offered their facilities for the actions. In 2007, we held an Art Action exchange with le Lieu, a contemporary arts centre located in Quebec City, QC. This exchange developed through a visit to our country by Richard Martel and artists of le Lieu, who were searching for new spaces for exchange projects. There were artists not only from Argentina and Canada in this exchange, but also from France, Cuba and Northern Ireland. The festival continues to grow beyond our expectations, and so we ran, enveloped by a spirit of freedom and energy, with which we wish to continue. - Gabriela Alonso
Zonadeartenaccion Festival
En 2005 se llevo a cabo el primer festival de arte de accion, foto performance, video and videoperformance e intervenciones urbanas. En 2006, gracias a la colaboracion de Nelda Ramos y Calixto Saucedo con Osvalo Glesso, Joaquin Amat y la Asociacion de Artistas Varelenses - quienes esta ves ofrecieron sus espacios como sede para la accion- se ha llevado a cabo el Tercer Festival Internacional Zonadearteaccion 06 - Foto performance and Videoperformance. En 2007, se realizo el intercambio de arte de accion con Le Lieu, centro de arte actual, ubicado en Quebec, Canada. Este intercambio comenzo a gestarse en abril del 2005, cuando Richard Martel y artistas de le Lieu visitan nuestro pais, en busca de nuevos espacios con los que pudiera intercambiar proyectos. En este encuentro, no solo han particpado artistas argentinos y canadienses, sino tambien accionistas de Francia, Cuba e Irlanda del Norte, que fueron protagonistas activos. Zonadeartenaccion crece mas alla de nuestras expectativas, corre y nos envuelve con aires de libertad y energia, la que no queremos desaprovechar.
- Gabriela Alonso
Women in Action - Latin Video Performance, curated by Gabriela Alonso and Nelda Ramos.
This video includes the work of:
Cintia Clara Romero – Argentina /Karina Cortez - Ecuador
Anabel Vanoni – Argentina /Amapola Prada – Perú /
Valeria Andrade – Ecuador /Eli Neira - Chile
Soledad Sanchéz Goldar – Argentina /Paola Montoya – México
Verónica Meloni – Argentina /Gabriela Alonso – Argentina
Nelda Ramos - Argentina
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mask Making Workshop Sunday May 16, 2010 2 to 9 PM at Hamilton Artists Inc.

Need help creating a one of a kind mask?
Looking for time to jump start your creation?
Join us on Sunday May 16 for our 1st ever Mask Making Workshop.
2pm Hamilton Artists Inc.
Share ideas Share materials Share the fun
We'll have:
starter masks, decorating supplies, scissors, tape, glue, papier mache tips and supplies
You bring:
any interesting materials, masks already in progress, curious creativity
Sign up by contacting the Inc at 905.529.3355
or by email at

Friday, June 11, 2010 (ARTCRAWL) at 7:00 pm to 2 am
Academica Hall
242 James St. N.
Hamilton Artists Inc presents:
live music, raffles, prizes, silent auction, bar
masks of all shapes and sizes colours and designs
June 11 (Art Crawl) doors 7pm
242 James St. N.
come check out Academica Hall
Drop by the Inc to get your mask today!
Come to our mask making workshop this Sunday!